Employee Computer HackingOn June 3, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling that significantly limits the “exceeds authorized access” clause of the Federal anti-hacking statute called the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (CFAA). Here is a copy of the opinion (Van Buren v U.S.)

Why the CFAA Opinion Matters:

Without proper planning, this ruling

A former Toronto Blue Jays pitcher, Michael Bolsinger, sued the Houston Astros for trade secret misappropriation. He claims the Astros violated Texas trade secret law by stealing his team’s pitching signs in an August 2017 game.

Why it matters:

As an attorney who has handled trade secret matters for almost 20 years, this lawsuit is

Trade Secret RisksNephron Pharmaceutical Corp. agreed to accept $7.9 million to settle its trade secret misappropriation lawsuit against its competitor U.S. Compounding Inc., its parent company Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corp., and former employees.

Why it Matters: 

For the defendant businesses, the case arose from actions that every company routinely faces – hiring employees. But the competitors