Employee Mask RequirementsToday, MIOSHA updated its COVID-19 Workplace Rules under Gov. Whitmer’s MI Vacc to Normal plan.

The changes, which reflect the recent order from MDHHS and guidance from the CDC, include: 

  • Employers may allow fully vaccinated employees not to wear face coverings and social distance provided they have a policy deemed effective to ensure non-vaccinated individuals continue to follow these requirements. For businesses or operations that provide in-home services, this policy must include accurate appointment records, including date and time of service, name of the client, and contact information, to aid with contact tracing.   
  • The rules were also reformed, focusing on performance, eliminating industry-specific requirements, and updated definitions to more clearly reflect changes in close contact and quarantining requirements for fully vaccinated employees.  
  • Cleaning requirements were updated to reflect changes in CDC recommendations.  

The revised COVID-19 emergency rules are in response to Michigan reaching a 55% vaccination threshold.

MIOSHA also removed the requirement that employers must create a “policy prohibiting in-person work for employees to the extent that their work activities can feasibly be completed remotely.” Employers should continue to have and implement a written COVID-19 preparedness and response plan consistent with these updated rules.  

Use this link to contact Michigan attorney Jason Shinn if you have questions about this article or complying with Michigan or federal employment laws, including COVID-19 regulations. Since 2001, Mr. Shinn has represented companies and individuals concerning the issues discussed above and other employment matters under federal and Michigan employment laws.