Porn Notice at KNBR.jpgOne employment law topic that never seems to go away is pornography in the workplace.

When the issue invariably arises, I remember my first attorney job out of law school. I began working at a medium-sized law firm. One partner I frequently worked with was a brilliant, chain-smoking, gruff, old white-collar defense and First Amendment

Pig of a Businessman.jpgWorkplace bullying was front and center this week as the Miami Dolphins organization scrambled to address reports that its starting offensive tackle Jonathan Martin left the team indefinitely because of bullying from teammates.

ESPN reported that this bullying included Mr. Martin’s teammate, Richie Incognito, leaving Martin the following (disturbing) voicemail after Mr. Martin was drafted

Rainbow Flag.jpgSexual orientation discrimination can be described as being treated differently or harassed because of a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation, which includes gay, lesbian, bisexual, or heterosexual orientation.

Unlike federal laws that protect people from workplace discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, religion, sex, age, and disability, there is no federal law that